The answer is 4 because it s the smallest number that both 2 and 4 divide equally into!
Lowest common multiple. Say you have 2 numbers, 6 and 9. Their lowest common multiple is 18. This is the lowest number that both numbers will divide into evenly
The lowest common factor can not be larger than the lowest common factor. If you mean LCM (Lowest Common Multiple) and not LCF, the numbers are 5 and 150.
2 and 11 have a lowest common multiple of 22.
There is no largest common multiple of any set of numbers as whatever value is assumed to be the largest can be increased by adding the lowest common multiple of the numbers to get an even larger common multiple. For 2 and 3 the lowest common multiple is 6. So whatever number is assumed to be the largest common multiple it can always be increased by 6 to get a larger common multiple.
Lowest common multiple is the smallest whole number that is divisible by all the numbers. eg. the lowest common multiple of 70 and 14 is 14, the lowest common multiple of 2 and 3 is 6, or 7 and 8 is 56 etc. Normally found by multiplying the two numbers together, then seeing if there are any smaller than that
To find the lowest common multiple you must have at least two numbers.
Lowest common multiple. Say you have 2 numbers, 6 and 9. Their lowest common multiple is 18. This is the lowest number that both numbers will divide into evenly
The answer to your question cannot be properly determined. To find the lowest common multiple you must have at least two numbers.
The lowest common multiple of two numbers, a and bis the smallest number that is divisible by both a and b. There is no such thing as a lowest common multiple of a single number.In the case that this question is asking the lowest common multiple of 3 and 2, the answer is 6.
The lowest common factor can not be larger than the lowest common factor. If you mean LCM (Lowest Common Multiple) and not LCF, the numbers are 5 and 150.
Since 5, 19, and 2 are all prime numbers, the lowest common multiple of them is their product, i.e. 5x19x2 = 190
There is no largest common multiple of any two numbers: whatever common multiple is claimed to be the largest can be increased to an even larger common multiple by adding the lowest common multiple for the numbers (which for 2 and 3 is 6).
2 and 11 have a lowest common multiple of 22.
Lowest common multiple of 2 and 7 is 14.
There is no largest common multiple of any set of numbers as whatever value is assumed to be the largest can be increased by adding the lowest common multiple of the numbers to get an even larger common multiple. For 2 and 3 the lowest common multiple is 6. So whatever number is assumed to be the largest common multiple it can always be increased by 6 to get a larger common multiple.
Lowest common multiple is the smallest whole number that is divisible by all the numbers. eg. the lowest common multiple of 70 and 14 is 14, the lowest common multiple of 2 and 3 is 6, or 7 and 8 is 56 etc. Normally found by multiplying the two numbers together, then seeing if there are any smaller than that
The lowest common multiple of the given numbers is 630