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41 / 8 = 5 r. 1 or 41 / 5 = 8 r. 1

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Q: What is the lowest positive integer greater than 1 which when divided by 5 or 8 leaves reminder of 1?
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When is the sum of a positive integer and a negative integer positive?

When the positive integer is greater than the negative integer.

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It is an integer.

Which is greater an negative or positive integer?

any positive integer

When is the sum of a positive integer and a negative integer positvie?

The sum of a positive integer and a negative integer is positive when the positive integer is greater. For example: 9 + (-5) = 4 In this case, the positive integer 9 is greater than the negative integer 5. Therefore, the sum is positive.

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What is an integer greater then zero?

a positive integer

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What is the smallest positive integer greater than 1 which when divided by 5 or 8 leaves a remainder of 1?


What is the lowest positive integer greater then 1 which when divided by 5 or 8 leaves a remainder of 1?


Can a negative integer be greater than a positive integer?


Why cant a negative integer be greater than a positive integer?

By definition, a negative integer is any integer less than zero. Similarly, a positive integer is any integer greater than zero. It should be immediately obvious that an integer cannot be both less than and greater than zero. Therefore, a negative integer cannot be greater than a positive integer.

Does the sum of a positive integer and a negative integer always positive?

Not necessarily. That only applies if the positive integer is greater than the negative integer in absolute value.An integer.