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Q: What is the machine proposed by Babbage to perform differential equations called as?
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Charles Babbage- what machine did he invented?

Charles Babbage invented the automatic calculator.

What Machine did Charlie Babbage invent?

He invented the computer

Why is Charles Babbage important?

be cause he invented the Difference machine

How many things did Charles Babbage invent?

1.Differential Machine 2. Analytical Machine In addition to the machines, Babbage also invented other interesting devices like: The plans of the analytical machine counted on a part destined to the impression of results very innovative for the time, being able to add spaces in white, to alternate between columns or even to change typography, therefore we could say that invented the printer as the We know today. He broke Vigenère's key encryption, as well as the much weaker cipher called Vigenère's cipher today. This discovery was used in English military campaigns and was considered a military secret, for which only the British knew it. As a result of this the merit of the discovery was bestowed upon Friedrich Kasiski. He proposed and helped establish the current postal postage system, since until then the cost of sending a letter was given by the distance it traveled. He realized that calculating the cost for each destination was more expensive than sending the letter, so he managed to unify the prices. He invented the "Cowcatcher" (Pilot) that serves the trains to divert objects that have in the way that could derail it. He invented the ophthalmoscope, but giving it to a doctor to prove it was lost and after the years Hermann von Helmholtz invented it independently and since then began to be used.

Who invented the Calculating machine and when it was invented?

The Chinese around 3000 BC invented the Abacus was the first calculating machine. The French Joseph Marie Jacquard invented the first programmable machine with his Jacquard Loom in 1801. This used punched board to program weaving to create complex patterns. Charles Babbage an Englishman and Cambridge Graduate, designed a mechanical calculating machine starting in 1812 for the express purpose of calculating logarithm tables for the British Navy. These mathematical tables were used in navigation by sextant. Babbage had noted that the human calculated tables frequently made mistakes and it was the elimination of these which he sought to eradicate. Babbage completed a number of what he called Analytical and difference engines, but never completed them. The Admiralty who were sponsoring the equipment pulled funding on him a number of occasions which caused him financial difficulties. Even though the machines were never completed, these are considered the first ever proper computers and our modern computers great-great-grand daddy. Had they been built in Babbage's time, they would have been a revolution in mathematics. Recently the British Science museum in Exhibition Road South Kensington, built a copy of the number 2 Difference Engine, which was one of Babbage's most complex designs. It worked perfectly without modification and was accurate to six decimals.

Related questions

Why and how is Charles Babbage associated with the beginning of modern computers?

The real beginning of computers as we know them today however lay with an English mathematics professor Charles Babbage (1791-1871). by 1812 Babbage noticed a natural harmony between machines and mathematics.the problem Centred on applying the Ablity of machines to the needs of Mathematics.Babbage's first attempt at solving this problem was in 1822 when he proposed a machine tp perform differential equations called a difference engine.after working on the difference Engine for 10 years Babbage was suddenly inspired to begin work on the first general-purpose computer which he called the Analytical engine.

Charles Babbage- what machine did he invented?

Charles Babbage invented the automatic calculator.

What machine did Charles Babbage invent?

the computer

Computer pioneer creator of the difference machine?


Who construted a calculating machine in 1823?

Charles Babbage

What Machine did Charlie Babbage invent?

He invented the computer

Who is the father modern computer?

the father of the modern computer was charles babbage , who invented the "analytical machine"

Which of the Charles Babbage invention is the foundation of the modern computer?

which machine about 200 years ago charles babbage of britain made a machine which formed the foundation for the modern electronic computers

Who invented simple anylatical difference machine?

Charles Babbage

Why is Charles Babbage important?

be cause he invented the Difference machine

Lady Lovelace collaborated with charles Babbage to work on what machine?

Lady Ada Lovelace collaborated with Charles Babbage on the Analytical Engine. Her notes on this engine include what is recognized as the first algorithm for a machine.

Who invented the different engine?

Charles Babbage invented the Difference Engine because "On June 14, 1822, Charles Babbage proposed the use of such a machine in a paper to the Royal Astronomical Society, entitled "Note on the application of machinery to the computation of astronomical and mathematical tables".[4]This machine used the decimal number system and was powered by cranking a handle. The British government was interested, since producing tables was time consuming and expensive and they hoped the difference engine would make the task more economical."