

What is the mass of 3 electrons?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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14y ago

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depends on the electrons

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Q: What is the mass of 3 electrons?
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What is the mass of an atom with 3 protons 4 neutrons and 3 electrons?


What is the mass of an element with 4 protons 6 electrons 3 neutrons?

The mass of the isotope 7Be is 7,01692983(11) u. The isotope 7Be has 4 protons, 3 neutrons and 4 electrons (not 6).

What is the mass number of an atom with 3 protons electrons and 4 neutrons?


How do you find the mass number of an atom that has 3 protons and 4 neutrons and 2 electrons?

The mass number of an atom is the sum of its protons and neutrons. In this case, the atom has 3 protons and 4 neutrons, so the mass number is 3 + 4 = 7. Electrons do not contribute to the mass number as their mass is negligible compared to protons and neutrons.

An element's atomic mass does not include the mass of its?

An element's atomic mass does not include the mass of its electrons. Electrons have such a small mass compared to protons and neutrons that they are not typically included in calculations of atomic mass.

What is the atomic particle that has an extremely small mass compared to the others?

Of the 3 atomic particles protons, neutrons and electrons, electrons have the smallest mass.

How is mass related to electrons?

because the electrons plus the nuetrons equal the mass

Why mass of electrons is excluded from atomic mass?

The mass of electrons is not excluded from atomic mass. The mass number of an isotope of an element excludes electrons because it is the sum of protons and neutrons.From Wikipedia, "The atomic mass (ma) is the mass of a specific isotope, most often expressed in unified atomic mass units. The atomic mass is the total mass of protons, neutrons and electrons in a single atom."

Do electrons have mass?

Yes, electrons have a mass of 9.1094 X 10−31 kg.

When calculating an atoms approximate mass how is the mass of electrons figured?

electrons are the same as protons

An atom that has 3 protons 4 neutrons and 3 electrons has an atomic number of?

The number of protons an atom has is equal to its atomic number. In this case, there are 3 protons, so its atomic number is 3 and this is lithium (Li), the third element on the periodic table. Atomic mass is sum of the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. Here, that is 3 and 4, respectively, giving our atom an atomic mass of 7. The number of electrons does not affect either the atomic number or the atomic mass, but instead determines the bonding properties of the atom and whether it has a charge. If the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons, as is the case here, the charge is neutral (0). If there are more electrons than protons, the atom will be negatively charged (5 electrons and 3 protons --> charge = -2), and if there are more protons than electrons, the atom will be positively charged (2 electrons and 3 protons --> charge = +1).

What is the number of neutrons mass atomic protons electrons in tritium?

1 proton 1 electron 2 neutrons mass = 3 amu