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Q: What is the mass of a grade 7 student?
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Is fantastic a 7 grade word?

sure it is, as a grade seven student I use fantastic all the time :)

Average weight for Yr 7 student?

The weigh of an average seventh grade student is approximately fifty kilograms.

What is the quantity of matter in a grade seven student?

The quantity of matter in a grade seven student can be measured in terms of their mass, which typically ranges from about 25 to 50 kilograms. This mass is made up of various elements and compounds that make up the student's body, such as water, proteins, fats, minerals, and other organic molecules.

What is a good investigatory project for a grade 7 student?

it depends on your subject. O.o

I am making a C plus plus program for a programming class that takes in 5 grades for 7 students averages them gets a letter grade and displays it all in a table How do you set up a table for variables?

The following example sets up a two-dimensional array, initialises it with some pseudo-random data, and then prints the table and the averages. #include<iostream> #include<time.h> int main() { const int max_students = 7; const int max_student_grades = 5; const int max_grades = 6; const char grade[max_grades]={'A','B','C','D','E','F'}; srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); // Initialise the array with pseudo-random grades: int table[max_students][max_student_grades]; for(int student=0; student<max_students; ++student) { for(int student_grade=0; student_grade<max_student_grades; ++student_grade) { table[student][student_grade] = rand()%max_grades; } } // Print the table and average the results. int overall=0; for(int student=0; student<max_students; ++student) { int average=0; std::cout<<"Student #"<<student+1; for(int student_grade=0; student_grade<max_student_grades; ++student_grade) { std::cout<<" Grade #"<<student_grade+1<<": "<<grade[table[student][student_grade]]<<", "; average+=table[student][student_grade]; } std::cout<<" Average: "<<grade[average/max_grades]<<std::endl; overall+=average; } std::cout<<"Overall average: "<<grade[overall/max_grades/max_students]<<std::endl; return(0); } Example output: Student #1 Grade #1: A, Grade #2: E, Grade #3: D, Grade #4: E, Grade #5: F, Average: C Student #2 Grade #1: E, Grade #2: D, Grade #3: E, Grade #4: E, Grade #5: E, Average: D Student #3 Grade #1: D, Grade #2: A, Grade #3: D, Grade #4: B, Grade #5: A, Average: B Student #4 Grade #1: C, Grade #2: B, Grade #3: A, Grade #4: A, Grade #5: B, Average: A Student #5 Grade #1: E, Grade #2: D, Grade #3: C, Grade #4: F, Grade #5: E, Average: D Student #6 Grade #1: C, Grade #2: D, Grade #3: A, Grade #4: F, Grade #5: A, Average: B Student #7 Grade #1: B, Grade #2: D, Grade #3: F, Grade #4: B, Grade #5: C, Average: C Overall average: C

Can a sixth grade advanced student make a higher grade than a seventh grade basic student?

Yes, it is possible for a sixth grade advanced student to achieve a higher grade than a seventh grade basic student. Grades are based on individual performance and understanding of the material, so a dedicated and high-achieving student in a lower grade level can outperform a student in a higher grade with less proficiency.

What is the importance of plants as sources of energy?

if you are from grade 7 our lady of grace student hi my name is patrick the special

How is a student's grade point average figured?

By calculating the average grade a student earned in school

Do you capitalize fourth when saying ..He is a Fourth Grade student?

No. it's not necessary. It should be --- He is a fourth grade student.

C plus plus program that display student name course and grade using arrays of strings?

enum field { name, course, grade }; std::string student[3]; student[name] = "Joe Bloggs"; student[course] = "C++ Programming"; student[grade] = "A+";

What did Benjamin Banneker do for the society?

I don't know A 3rd grade student I don't know A 3rd grade student

Is a snail a scavenger?
