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The probability is indeterminate. I might ask a student or I might not.

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Q: What is the probability of asking a student at your school what grade he or she is in?
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What is the probability of a student obtaining the a grade higher than 72?

Apart from the student's ability, the answer depends on the spread of grades, whether or not they have been normalised and if so, the process used for normalising.

What is the probability of 3 students out of 11 getting the same grade on an exam?

It is not possible to answer the question since there is no information on how many grades there are. Second, the probability of a student getting a particular grade will depend on how "wide" the grade is: some grade boundaries are closer together than others. Furthermore, the grades achieved by the students are not independent events. If the exam is very easy, they might all get a top grade.

What is grading program?

An ungraded school is a school that does not formally classify the students by the traditional grade levels. Instead, teachers evaluate each individual student.

Why does student kill himself?

A student kill himself because they get bad grade in summer school. Also they can not drop summer school. I have high regards for those student who cry at home when they return from school. On that time god won't help you. SORRY is the answer from that god who you trust a lot. But please never give up.... From, One of the student who had same condition

What is the probability of getting an a from Alabama?

There are four a's in ALABAMA. The probability of choosing an a from a random draw of those seven letters is 4 in 7, or about 0.5714.If you are talking about getting a grade of A from a school in Alabama, that is entirely up to you and to how well you apply yourself.

Related questions

How is a student's grade point average figured?

By calculating the average grade a student earned in school

In ninth grade how old would you be?

If you are a 9th grade student you are often 14 or 15 depending on whether the student has been held back and when the student started school.

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What level does grade 8th student belongs to in high school?

the student will just go into grade 9 when he/she enters highschool. this is for Canadian and American students.

What is the scientific name of the Canadian night crawlers?

Dendrobena veneta is the name for a Canadia nightcrawler. Thank you for asking this question. 5th grade student from Oconto Falls Elementry school Wisconsin.

What grade level does the average deaf student read at when leaving school at age 18?

4th Grade

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What is the probability of a student obtaining the a grade higher than 72?

Apart from the student's ability, the answer depends on the spread of grades, whether or not they have been normalised and if so, the process used for normalising.

Who is the best math student at SDA school in 5th grade?

zevers pandt

What is the probability of 3 students out of 11 getting the same grade on an exam?

It is not possible to answer the question since there is no information on how many grades there are. Second, the probability of a student getting a particular grade will depend on how "wide" the grade is: some grade boundaries are closer together than others. Furthermore, the grades achieved by the students are not independent events. If the exam is very easy, they might all get a top grade.

As an American student entering a british school is it better to move to the next grade or restart the current grade?

You would be better starting the current grade .

What actors and actresses appeared in One Year - 2010?

The cast of One Year - 2010 includes: Donna Abear as Tea Room Customer Samantha Abear as Tea Room Customer Casey Bateman as School Board Meeting Attendee Ron Bateman as School Board Meeting Attendee Ralph Churchill as Board Member Annika Churchill as Fifth Grade Student Jaime Churchill as Interviewer Lorrie Ferguson as Mrs. Winters Sandy Gulliver as School Board Member Lindsey Haling as Fifth Grade Student Cayla Haling as Fifth Grade Student Brian Kleine as Audience Member Tony Kula as Fifth Grade Student Jessica Kula as Fifth Grade Student Bobby Kula as Fifth Grade Student Laura Kula as School Board Meeting Attendee Chad Meyer as Dan Weeks Matthew Model as Fifth Grade Student Marvene Nolan as Tea Room Customer Kameron Norlie as Fifth Grade Student Devayani Pandav as Mrs. Reed Emma Roberto as Fifth Grade Student Annamaria Roberto as Fifth Grade Student Ellie Schnittman as Fifth Grade Student Walt Sloan as Brian Bruce Spielbauer as Mr. Hanson Matt Tannebaum as Fifth Grade Student Ryan Tannebaum as Fifth Grade Student Elizabeth Tannehill as Mrs. Carroll Brooks Whitlock as Younger Sam Linda Willding as Tea Room Customer Ben Woodell as Board Member Liz Woodell as School Board Meeting Attendee Austin Zdziarski as Fifth Grade Student