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Q: What is the mass of a sample of a substance with a volume of 120 ml and a density of 0.75 G ml?
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What is the eqyaion for density?

Density of a substance = (mass of a sample of it)/(volume of the same sample)

How do you calculate the density of a substance?

The density of a substance is calculated by dividing its mass by its volume. The formula for density is: Density = Mass / Volume. This calculation gives you a measure of how tightly packed the molecules are in a given sample of the substance.

Why does the density of a substance not change with the sample size?

Density is an intrinsic property of a substance that is based on its mass and volume. Regardless of the size of the sample, the mass and volume will change proportionally, resulting in a constant density. This is because density is a ratio of mass to volume, so as long as the substance remains the same, its density will not change with sample size.

What is the ratio of the mass of a sample of substance to its volume?

its density

How do you calculate density using a formula?

Density of a substance = (mass of a sample of the substance) divided by (volume of the same sample)

What is the mass of a sample divided by its volume?

The quantity you are describing is density, which is the mass of a substance per unit volume. Mathematically, density (D) is represented as mass (m) divided by volume (V), so D = m/V.

How could density be used to determine the mass of a particular volume of a substance?

To determine the mass of a particular volume of a substance using density, you would multiply the density of the substance by the volume of the sample. The resulting value would give you the mass of the substance based on the known density and volume relationship (mass = density x volume).

What is formula of density?

The density of an object or a sample of a substance is (the object's mass) divided by (its volume).

What is the density of a 26.5mL sample of an unknown substance that has a mass of 43.54g?

density = mass/volume = 43.54g / 26.5ml ≈ 1.643 g/ml

When you divide the mass of a substance by its volume you get its what?

You get its density. Density is a measure of how much mass is contained within a specific volume of a substance.

If you know the density and volume of a substance how could you find its mass?

You can find the mass of a substance by using the formula mass = density x volume. Multiply the density of the substance by its volume to calculate the mass.

How do you find density from grams?

Density is calculated by dividing the mass (in grams) of a substance by its volume (in milliliters or cubic centimeters). The formula for density is: Density = Mass / Volume. By measuring the mass of a sample in grams and the volume in milliliters, you can easily calculate the density of the substance.