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Q: What is the math term for each part of an algebric expression separated by a plus or minus sign?
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What is each part of an algebraic expression separated by a plus or minus sign?

They are terms of an algebraic expression

Each part of a algeraic expression separated by a plus or minus sign?

Yes and the parts are terms of the expression.

What is each part of an algebraic expression separated by a plus or minus sign called?

An algebraic term.

What is the part of an algebraic expression that is separated by positive or negative operations?

Each term in an algebraic expression is separated by plus & minus 5x + 4 = 12x has two different terms (5x, 4). Good answer. Actually the equation has three terms, 5x, 4 and 12x.

When plus or minus sign separate an algebraic expression into parts each part is a?


Each of the quantities connected by plus or minus sign in an algebraic expression?

It is called a term.

What is a algebric equation?

It is formed by two expressions that equal each other

When plus or minus signs seprate an algebraic experssion into parts each part is a?

Each part is then a term of the algebraic expression.

When a plus sign or minus sign separates an algebraic expression into parts each part is called?

It is a term.

An expression of three terms?

"An expression of three terms" means that the expression has three parts, combined by plus or minus signs. Within each of these parts (terms), there can be a single number or variable, or a product or division involving several other pieces.

How is the expression 6-x and x-6 different?

6-x is like saying "six minus something" and x-6 is like saying "something minus 6". Specifically, they are inverses of each other (one is the negative version of the other).

Each part of a file path is separated by?

Each part is separated by a backslash. \