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Q: What is the mathematical formula that is used in cryptography to encrypt data?
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There are two general types of modern cryptography; symmetric cryptography and asymetric (also known as public key) cryptography. Symetric crypto is where both sides have the same shared encryption key, and that key is used to both encrypt and also decrypt any encrypted information. Symmetric crypto is more efficient (faster) than asymmetric crypto, but asymetric crypto works without having to share a key.

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How data encrypt and decrypt from PC to PC using micro controller?

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main diff is cryptography in change the code format of original data & image stenography hide the data behind other file not change the data code this is main diff b/w image stenography & cryptography.

Why cryptography is needed in internet security?

to provide the security for data

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Kamol Lek has written: 'Cryptography' -- subject(s): Data encryption (Computer science), Cryptography

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To encrypt data

How do you encrypt a single worksheet in Excel 2003?

From my recolection you cannot encrypt a single worksheet. You can password the sheet, and you can hide the data There is a small programme that's does encrypt called NCrypt XL

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For privacy and security. The data is personal and private.

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How do you encrypt your email address?

Someone can encrypt their email address through a number of methods such as using encoders that are available on the net that encrypt and hide the email address of individuals. Another method would be to encrypt the data packet so that no one can see it except the recipient.