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Q: What is the mathematical term for bring down the size quantity or value of intensity?
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What is the value of 1 ampere?

ampere is the unit of the electric current intensity 1ampere=1coloumb/1sec intensity=quantity/time(by seconds)

Is intensity of a wave a vector or a scalar quantity?

Intensity of a wave is a scalar quantity because it only has one value that represents the amount of energy transferred per unit area per unit time. It does not have a direction associated with it like a vector quantity.

What is a value that only has magnitude?

A scalar is a mathematical quantity that has magnitude but no direction, such as temperature or speed. Scalars are represented by a single numerical value.

What is the mathematical statement of equality?

The mathematical statement of equality is represented by the symbol "=" and is used to show that two expressions are equivalent or have the same value. It signifies that the quantity on the left side of the symbol is exactly the same as the quantity on the right side.

What does dependant quantity mean?

A dependent quantity is a variable that is determined by another variable, known as the independent variable. The dependent variable's value depends on the value of the independent variable. This relationship is often represented in a mathematical or statistical model.

What is 5M in mathematical problems?

It means 5 multiplied by M. M is a variable, meaning a quantity whose value is not known.

What does dB mean in physics?

In physics, dB stands for decibel, which is a unit used to measure the intensity of sound or the magnitude of a physical quantity. It is a logarithmic scale that compares the level of a physical quantity to a reference value.

How do you solve using the inverse square law?

To solve using the inverse square law, you need to understand that the intensity (or value) of a physical quantity decreases with the square of the distance from the source. Mathematically, it is represented as I = k/d^2, where I is the intensity, k is a constant, and d is the distance from the source. By manipulating this formula, you can determine the intensity of the physical quantity at different distances from the source.

What is a mathematical value?

It is the representation of a value in mathematical notation.

What does the magnitude of the vector tell you about the value?

The magnitude of a vector represents its length or size. It gives information about the strength or intensity of the quantity being represented by the vector. The larger the magnitude, the greater the value of the vector.

What is a unknown or change quantity?

An unknown or changing quantity is a variable in a mathematical equation or problem that is not fixed but can take different values. It is typically represented by a letter, such as x or y, and its value needs to be determined in order to solve the problem.

How can you define zero?

Zero is the figure or symbol 0, which in the Arabic notation for numbers stands for the absence of quantity. It is a mathematical value intermediate between positive and negative values.