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ampere is the unit of the electric current intensity


intensity=quantity/time(by seconds)

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Q: What is the value of 1 ampere?
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Can you give the meaning of coulomb in terms of ampere?

1 ampere = 1 coulomb/second 1 coulomb = 1 ampere x second

What is 1 ampere in standard units?

1 ampere is equivalent to 1 ampere. It is the standard unit of electric current in the International System of Units (SI).

How do you convert milliampere to ampere?

1 ampere = 1000 milliamperes

How many million amperes are there in 1 ampere?

There are 0.000001 million amperes in 1 ampere.

How many electrons to be moving to generate 1 ampere of electric current?

In a conductor, 1 ampere of electric current corresponds to the flow of approximately 6.24 x 10^18 electrons per second. This value is derived from the concept that 1 ampere is defined as the flow of 1 coulomb of charge per second, and the charge of one electron is about 1.6 x 10^-19 coulombs.

What is the charge flowing per second in a circuit?

The numerical representation of one coulomb of charge moving past a point in a circuit per second is called an ampere.

How many milliampere are 1 Ampere?

There are 1,000,000 micro amps in one amp.

How much is an amp in terms of charges flowing per second?

1 ampere = 1 coulomb / second. Actually, in the SI, it is defined the other way round; the ampere is the base unit, and the coulomb is defined as 1 ampere-second. However, it is easier to think of the ampere as 1 coulomb/second.

How many amperes a 1.5 ton ac consumes in 1 hour?

I am not sure what you mean, but ampere is a unit of current, not of energy. In the case of a constant current, if the current is 1 ampere in a second, it will be 1 ampere in an hour, or in a day.

What is 1 ampere equal to?

Among other things, 1 ampere is equal to:1 coulomb / second1 volt / 1 ohmBasically, you can understand 1 ampere as a certain amount of electric charge (1 coulomb) flowing past a certain point per second (although in the SI, the definitions are the other way round: the coulomb is a unit derived from the ampere).

What is the value of 2181 ampere?

It is approx. 4.786 days (24 hours)

What would be the rms value of current if the instantaneous value at 45 degrees is 70.7 amps?

100 ampere