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That'd be the Fibonnaci sequence (this time without the wikipedia URL :P)

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Q: What is the maths name for a sequence where you get the next answer by added the two numbers before?
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What is a maths number sequence?

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Two numbers can be added or multiplied in any order?

In ordinary maths, yes.

What does Fibonacci mean in maths?

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers That was discovered by an Italian mathematician called Leonardo Pisano. Sequences are a patter of numbers.

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The answer depends on the context. It could refer to the nth term in a sequence of numbers: T1, T2, ...

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in maths add means to add numbers together . it is usally added in to an equation.

Who was fibonnachi?

Leonardo Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician 1170 AD- 1250AD and was special because he invented a type of maths sequence when you add together the two numbers before it. He lived in Pisa and grew up in Noth America!

How is sequences in maths related to other subjects?

A few examples: Counting numbers are an arithmetic sequence. Radioactive decay, (uncontrolled) bacterial growth follow geometric sequences. The Fibonacci sequence is widespread in nature.

What is the name of the pattern in maths?

The mathematical term for pattern in maths is "sequence". Hope this helps : )