The mathematical term for pattern in maths is "sequence". Hope this helps : )
In America it is math, in most European countries it is maths
Yes, math is called maths in Welsh.
you have to pick Maths for GCSE's but you can also pick additional maths which is just more maths than normal eg you may have 5 peroids of maths a week but with additional maths you may have 9 peroids of Maths a week
the line is called a division bar
Our maths teacher told us that it was a trapezoid. That's how you spell it. ENJOY!
maths pattern
The name of the person who made maths is Iqbal Tezabwala
The lady who invented maths was called Charlotte Higgleson and she was born in Greece
Professor Fiendish's first name in the "Murderous Maths" series is Norman.
A good name for a maths magazine could be Q.E.D (It is very symbolic for a maths magazine).
a corner in maths is called vertices maths question paper pattern
There was no single person.
breath is another name for width
pi. And it goes on to 3.14159265358979323846...