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Q: What is the maximum APGAR score?
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When did Virginia Apgar invent the apgar score?

Virginia Apgar first invented the Apgar score in 1949 but then refined and finally published it in 1953.

What does a low apgar score mean?

Let's put it this way, The higher the APGAR score, the better.

Why did Virginia Apgar invent the Apgar Score?

Virginia Apgar invented the apgar score to assess a baby's health immediately after birth. She developed the score after looking at the effect of obstetric anesthesia. The score looks at a baby's Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, and Respiration.

Neonate's rating score?


When was the Apgar score devised?

The Apgar score was devised in 1952 by the famous eponymous doctor Virginia Apgar (1909-1974). This is one of the major discoveries for assessing the clinical status of the newborn infants.

How many APGAR points are given to a baby that is born pink?

An APGAR score is an evaluation of a baby condition at birth. It is judged in 5 categories (Appearance, Pulse, Grimace Activity, Respiration) from 0-2 points each. In the Appearance category a baby with pink color receives the maximum score of 2.

The apgar score measures the fitness level of childrenbthe health of newborns or cthe sugar level of diabetics?

The apgar score is used to evaluate the health of a new born child.

What is an APGAR score?

A system of assessing the general physical condition of a newborn infant based on a rating of 0, 1, or 2 for five criteria: heart rate, respiration, muscle tone, skin color, and response to stimuli. The five scores are added together, with a perfect score being 10.Apgar testing is the assessment of the newborn rating color, heart rate, stimulus response, muscle tone, and respirations on a scale of zero to two, for a maximum possible score of 10.What are you asking? Are you asking what a good apgar is? The higher the better. Are you asking what is the purpose of the rating is? It's to give a number that represents whether or not a newborn is in dtistress.

Why did Virginia apgar created the apgar score?

To help baby's breath better, so they don't have to stay in the hospital for more time.

What does an Apgar score tell about newborn babies?

There are five criteria of the Apgar score. These are the complexion, pulse rate, reflex irritability, muscle tone, and breathing. The score for each of these goes from zero to two, with zero being suboptimal, and two being healthy. The better the score, the healthier the newborn.

Where did Virginia Apgar make her discovery?

It wasn't a "discovery", it was a series of observations she codified into a 5 item scale. She developed the "Apgar Score" test in 1962.

What are the normal results of an apgar test?

The maximum possible score is 10, the minimum is zero. It is rare to receive a true 10, as some acrocyanosis in the newborn is considered normal, and therefore not a cause for concern. Most infants score between 7 and 10.