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Q: What is the maximum allowable slope for type c soils is?
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What type of simple machine is a slope?

The type of simple machine that a slope is, is a inclined plane

What type of slope will erode quicker a gentle slope or a steep slope?

A steep slope, due to the velocity of the water/runoff.

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a slope of zero. horizontal is undefined

What is the most common soil type found in Florida Type A Type B are Type C?

The most common soil type found in Florida is Type B. These soils are sandy and well-drained, making them ideal for agriculture and development. Type A soils are more clayey and prone to flooding, while Type C soils have limitations for construction due to shrink-swell properties.

Describe the factors that influence the development and type of soil in a certain area.?

Factors that influence soil development include climate (temperature and precipitation), parent material (rock type), topography (slope and aspect), organisms (plants and animals), and time. These factors interact to create different soil types in a specific area, such as sandy soils in arid regions or fertile soils in areas with high organic matter content.

What are the problem soils and their reclamation?

Problem soils include saline soils, sodic soils, acidic soils, and compacted soils. Reclamation methods vary depending on the type of problem soil but can include adding soil amendments like gypsum for sodic soils, lime for acidic soils, and organic matter for compacted soils. Drainage improvement and crop rotation are other common strategies for reclaiming problem soils.

What is sediment rich in that is mostly used by farmers?

Loamy soils and soils with lots of organic matter are the type of soils that are primarily used by farmers who need to plant crops.

What is the type of soil found in the ocean?

The oceans do not have soils.

What type of correlation is a straight line with no slope?

The straight line with no slope is a point

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