

Best Answer

Minimum: 2.4

Maximum: 6.1

Range: 3.7

Mean: 6

Median: 5.5

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Q: What is the minimum maximum range mean and median for 2.4 2.6 7.2 5.5 4.1 5.5 6.1 6.1?
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Related questions

What characteristics do data sets share when they have the same range?

The minimum and maximum are the same. The mean, median, and mode can be different.

What is the definition of landmark in math?

A landmark in math is referring to the: Mean, Median,Mode and Range. Sometimes it will include the Minimum and Maximum.

What does Median Maximum Minimum Range mean?

Median is the middle number (e.g., in a series of numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 - 4 is the median) Maximum is the highest number (7 in above example) Minimum is the lowest number (1 in above example) Range is the range of numbers (1-7, or possible the difference b/w max and min = 6 - see your textbook to verify)

What does max minimum median mode and range mean?

median is the middle number

What does mean and range mean in mathematics?

I only know what mean is, so mean is the same thing to the average. * * * * * Range is the difference between the maximum value and the minimum value. Range = Maximum - Minimum.

Make up a set of numbers that have the following landmarks minimum 5 maximum 18 mean 12 median 8 mode 10 range 13?


What are the places of all landmark?

the landmarks are mean, median, maximum, minimum and range. you could find any set of numbers and find these landmarks in them. answered by Lucy Cetifag Lousiana

What does data range mean?

Data Range is the values of the data from the minimum to the maximum that you are sampling. For plotting purposes(such as in EXCEL spreadsheet), it is the minimum and Maximum range of the values of X-Axis and Y-Axis.

Is the mean of a list of numbers the maximum minus the minimum?

No. The maximum minus the minimum is the range. The mean is the sum of all elements of the list divided by the size of the list.

Is the mean and median mode and range always part of a data set?

yes it is always * * * * * That is pure rubbish. The mean and median score for a throw of a die are 3.5 But there are not many dice with a face value of 3.5! The mode must be - always. The range often is not. If the height of adult males ranges in height from a minimum of 1.5 metres to a maximum of 2.0 metres, then the range is 0.5 metres. However, the fact that the minimum is 1.5 m implies there is no male with a height of 0.5 m. So, the range is not part of the data set.

What is the mean median mode and range of 46 35 23 37 29 53 43?

Mean = Sum of values/Number of values = (46+35+...+43)/7 = 266/7 = 38 Median = Value in middle ie 4th position of ordered values = 37 Mode = Each of the seven values (some would say none). Range = Maximum - Minimum = 53 - 23 = 30

What is mean median and range of 9 8 8 15 20?

Mean = 12 Median = 9 Range = 12