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If we know that two of the numbers are 6 and 9, and that these two might be one of the multiplied combinations mentioned, then the maximum possible value is 6 x 9 = 54.

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Q: What is the maximum value of ab ad cb CD if a b c and d have the values 3 5 6 and 9 but not necessarily in this order?
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No. The three averages are mean, mode and median. Mean is the total values divided by the number of values; mode is the number occurring most often; median is the middle value (or the value halfway in between the two middle values) when all values are in order. What you have described is basically the maximum (highest/best value) times the number of values, which has no major use in statistics.

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The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.

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From the minimum value of the independent variable to its maximum.

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It can take any value between the maximum and minimum observed values.

Is the range zero in a data set consisting of 1000 values that are all different?

No. The range is the maximum value less the minimum value. If all the values are different, the maximum must be different from the minimum. Consequently, the max minus min must be greater than zero.

What are the smallest and the largest integer values for primitive type short?

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