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Q: What is the meaming of me saying the number six in my dream?
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11 5 more than six is the same as saying 5+6

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What is a six number cube?

A six number cube is as my teacher put it, "the fancy, fancy way of saying a die." Because for some reason, they don't like putting die/dice in the text books. Maybe it's because it might support gambling? I don't know but a six number cube is just a die.

What does number six represent?

number six represents a number, six.

Is it six number or six numbers?

Six numbers. But "six number" is OK as an adjectival phrase, for example, "Select a six number code".

How do you say this number 6000000000000000000?

The number 6,000,000,000,000,000,000 can be read as "six quintillion" in the short scale naming system, commonly used in the United States. In the long scale naming system, used in some European countries, it would be called "six quadrillion." The number is composed of six groups of three zeros, each representing a different place value in the number.

What is the number word 6?

The number word for the number 6 is "six".

What does number 26 mean in a dream?

The number 26 does not have any significance in itself, but only as it appears in your own life. It might be a room number, a street address or part of a phone number that happened to drift through your sleep. Alternatively, it might point to a special date that is approaching, perhaps an anniversary of a significant event in your life.

Which should you do number six or number one?


What is six in French?

In French , six is six ,but you pronounce it by saying sea's Six, prounounced ss, unless preceeding a vowel or h, in which case drop the final s.