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Q: What is the mean of the set of numbers What is the mean of the set of numbers -12 -4 3 7 11?
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Average set of numbers of 7 11 12 18?

median = 11.5 mean = 12

What is the mean of this data 4 12 23 11 5?

Mean is a fancy word for "Average". To calculate an average of a set of numbers you must add together the set of numbers and divide by the amount of numbers in the set. Let's solve your problem.4, 12, 23, 11, 5. Remember the first step is to add all the numbers together.4 + 12 + 23 + 11 + 5 = 55.Now we need to do step two - which is to divide by the amount of numbers in the set. In this case we added together 5 numbers.55/5 = 11.So the Average of {4,12,23,11,5} = 11.

What numbers have a mean of 12 and a median of 11 and mode 9 and a range of 9?

One possible set is {9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18}

What is the GCF of each set of numbers 11 44 12 21?

The GCF of that set is 1.

What is the Mean for the following set of numbers 10 12 8 5 2?

the arithmetic mean for the set of numbers is 7.4. but the geometric mean is 6.25826929.

A set of five numbers has a mode of 12 a median of 11 and a mean of 10 what could the numbers be?

These are your 5 numbers: X X X X X the median (the middle number of a row) is 11, that means: X X 11 X X the mode (the most frequent number in a row) is 12, that means: X X 11 12 12 the mean (the average) is 10, that means: (X+X+11+12+12)/5=10 or: X+X+11+12+12=50 or: X+X=50-12-12-11 or: X+X=15 so the remaining numbers must be 15 combined, and lower then 11, that means they can be: 5 and 10 6 and 9 7 and 8 so you have 3 possible solutions: 5 10 11 12 12 6 9 11 12 12 7 8 11 12 12

What is the mean mode median range for these numbers 89 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 13?

Mean: 20.2222222 Median: 12 Mode: 11 Range: 79

What is difference between mean and mode?

The mean is the average. For example if you had the numbers 11, 10, 12, 11, 7, and 15. You would add them up and divide by how many numbers there are (which in this case is 6). The number you get is your mean (in this case the means in 11).The mode is the number that occurs most often. Using the same set of numbers above (11, 10, 12, 11, 7, and 15), the mode would be 11 because that's the only number that occurs the most. In other words, there is more than one of the same number.

If the mean of a set of 12 numbers is 13 then the sum of the number is?


What Does Mean Mean In The Maths Terms?

The mean of a set of data is also known as the average. To get the average, add all the numbers in a data set up, then take away the number of numbers. eg. data set = 5,6,7,6,6,4,4,3,4,5,4,6. Added = 60 Number of numbers = 12 60/12 = 5 = Average

For the following set of numbers find the mean12 14 25 10 25 15 11?

Mean = (12+14+25+10+25+15+11)/7 = 112/7 = 16

What is the mean of this set of numbers 9 2 5 13 12 1?

The mean is 7.