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Q: What is the meaning of each deadly sin?
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Opposite meaning of the word 'sin'?

This word does not have an opposite.

What are the seven sin of the Bible?

The Bible does not list 'sins.' It states plainly that:1 John 3:4New King James Version (NKJV) Sin and the Child of God4 Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. The list of 7 (originally 8) 'deadly' sins may be googled. They are from man and not from the Scripture.

How many times are the Seven Deadly Sins mentioned in the Bible?

The "Seven Deadly Sins" are mentioned nowhere in the Bible as a group. Rather, every sin which is mentioned in the Bible was said to qualify as one of these seven types. They are categories into which the various other sins can be classified and described. These classifications originated later as scholars attempted to better study, understand, and explain the subject of Sin.

Where are the seven deadly sins located in the bible?

According to the Bible... "...SIN IS the TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW." (I John 3:4)Paul tells us that law is the Ten Commandments."What shall we say then? Is the law sin? GOD FORBID. Nay, I had not known sin, but BY the law: for I had not known LUST, except the law had said, THOU SHALT NOT COVET." (Rom.7:7)The law that says "thou shalt not covet" is the "tenth commandment." These laws "define" sin... according to the Bible. The punishment [or the wages we earn] for the breaking of these laws is "death." That makes them "deadly."Therefore, the "deadly sins" listed in the Bible are found in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5... but, they are "Ten"... not seven.Roman Catholic AnswerThe Seven Deadly Sins: PrideGreedLustAngerGluttonyEnvySlothare a catechical formulation which, as such, are not found in the Bible. The various sins are found throughout the Bible, the list of seven was just put together as a easy way for one to memorize the seven sources of sins. The complete explanation and history are at the link below

How long is each side of a 28 inch regular decagon?

It is 9.1 inches (approx). L*[sin(x) + sin(2x) + sin(3x) +sin(4x)] = 28 inches where x = 360/10 = 36 degrees. Since x = 36 deg, sin(x) = sin(4x) and sin(2x) = sin(3x) So L*[2sin(x) + 2sin(2x)] = 28 inches L*[sin(x) + sin(2x)] = 14 inches L* 1.539 = 14 approx so that L = 9.098 inches or 9.1 inches, approx.

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What is the duration of The First Deadly Sin?

The duration of The First Deadly Sin is 1.87 hours.

When was The First Deadly Sin created?

The First Deadly Sin was created on 1980-10-03.

When was The Seventh Deadly Sin created?

The Seventh Deadly Sin was created on 1999-09-12.

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If i am correct it may be Lust

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The cast of The Third Deadly Sin - 2012 includes: Majida Alsafadi Omnia Elafifi Sarah Zohair

What is the worst of the seven deadly sins?

It is subjective to determine the "worst" deadly sin as each can have significant negative consequences. However, some argue that pride is the worst as it can lead to arrogance, disregard for others, and prevent personal growth through self-reflection.

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What are the release dates for The Mod Squad - 1968 The Deadly Sin 2-21?

The Mod Squad - 1968 The Deadly Sin 2-21 was released on: USA: 24 February 1970