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of Gin, imp. & p. p. of Go.

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Garnet Zemlak

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Q: What is the meaning of gon?
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What does the greek root gon mean?

gon- parental, where life begins in a way. gon-eis (γονεις) parents pro-gon-os (πρόγονος) ancestor / pro- in Greek is like pre- a-gon-os (άγονος) barren gon-ads (γονάδες)

How many sides does a 14 - gon have?

A 14-gon has fourteen sides. Any number suffixed by -gon is a polygon with that number of sides. A 14-gon is also called a tetradecagon, tetra being Greek for four, deka being Greek for ten, and gon deriving from gonus, meaning "angle" or "knee".

What would you call a star shaped item?

Most star shaped items are referred to as a "polygon" The prefix poly- meaning "many" and the affix -gon meaning "sides" meaning many or multiple sides. In all reality, it's known as either a polygon or a 10-gon.

How many sides does a hepta gon have?

7 (from the greek "epta", meaning, you guessed it, seven)

What does GON mean in math terms?

We use it to mean "sides" but the original meaning was "angles."

What is the meaning of the name Trig?

It comes from "Trigonometry." Tri: Three Gon: Side Ometry: Study

What is the name of polygons from 11-20?

11- undecagon 12- dodecagon 13- 13-gon 14- 14-gon 15- 15-gon 16- 16-gon 17- 17-gon 18- 18-gon 19- 19-gon 20- 20-gon

What does the suffix gon mean not refuring to a shape?

Suffix -gon means a figure having a specified kind or number of angles, like isogon. From the Greek -gnon meaning angle.That is the only definition I know of.

What is the name for an 11-sided polygon?

An 11-sided polygon is called a hendecagon or an endecagon from the Greek endeka- meaning 11, and -gon meaning angle.

What is a 101 sided polygon called?

Ah, a 101-sided polygon is called a "hectacontakaihenagon." Isn't that a lovely name? Just imagine all those sides coming together to create a beautiful shape on your canvas. Remember, every shape is unique and special in its own way.

What does gan gan y gon gon mean?

"Gan gan y gon gon" is a Spanish expression that doesn't have a specific meaning. It is commonly used in music or just for fun to create a catchy phrase with a playful rhythm. It doesn't hold a significant or defined translation.

What is a 79 sided shape?

A heptacontakaienneagon or heptacontaenneagon, with the "heptaconta" at the start meaning 70 "kai" meaning "and", although some don't use the "kai" "ennea" meaning 9 and a final "-gon"