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If I'm correct in interpreting what you're asking, the intersection set is the set between two sets that contains the common elements (denoted by what looks almost like a large lowercase n). In other words, if:

set A = {1,2,3,7,8,9}

and set B = {2,3,6,8,9,10)

then the intersection set (A n B) = {2,3,8,9}.

Just take what the two sets have in common, and put them together (don't repeat the digits, just what's in common).

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Q: What is the meaning of intersection set?
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You normally do not have an intersection of only one set. The intersection of a set with itself is the set itself - a statement that adds little value. The intersection of two sets is the set which contains elements that are in each of the two sets.

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The concept of closure: If A and B are sets the intersection of sets is a set. Then if the intersection of two sets is a set and that set could be empty but still a set. The same for union, a set A union set Null is a set by closure,and is the set A.

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How will you write using the venn diagram the union of set a(1234) and the intersection of set b(10111213) and set c(1213)?

If B = {10111213} and C = {1213} then their intersection is the empty set, {}.The union of A with an empty set is set A.

What is the intersection set?

is the result after doing intersection on 2 or more sets. It contains the elements which are common to all the sets on which intersection were done.

Is the intersection of two infinite sets always an infinite set?

No. It can be infinite, finite or null. The set of odd integers is infinite, the set of even integers is infinite. Their intersection is void, or the null set.

What does intersection mean mathiticaly?

The intersection is the set of solutions that satisfy two or more mathematical expressions.

Is intersection of two countably infinite sets can be finite?

Easily. Indeed, it might be empty. Consider the set of positive odd numbers, and the set of positive even numbers. Both are countably infinite, but their intersection is the empty set. For a non-empty intersection, consider the set of positive odd numbers, and 2, and the set of positive even numbers. Both are still countably infinite, but their intersection is {2}.

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No, they do not.