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Product positioning is a marketing strategy that aims to make a brand occupy a distinct 'position,' relative to the competing brands, in the mind of the customer.Firms apply this strategy either by emphasizing the distinguishing features of their brand (what it is, what it does and how, etc.) or try to create a suitable image (inexpensive or premium, utilitarian or luxurious, entry-level or high-end, etc.) through advertising. Once a brand is positioned, it is very difficult to reposition it without destroying its credibility.

Some products require attribute designation. For example, clothes are sold in different colors and sizes. In this case, color is a product attribute and size is another.

When used in a market research context, "Attributes" are simply properties of a given product, brand, service, advertisement or any object of interest. Much brand and market research is targeted at understanding the most significant and powerful attributes of a product/service/brand or product/service/brand class. A product, service, or brand can have many attributes including cost, value for money, prestige, taste, usability, liking ("affect") and a wide range of image or personality attributes. To use one very common example, the car or "automobile" brand class can sometimes include attributes such as prestige, cost, reliability, exclusivity, availability, type (e.g. sporty, family, luxury) and country of origin. Usually a client wishes to measure their product or brand as perceived by target markets along several attributes they see important to the brand. If they are in a competitive market, they also sometimes need to know how they rate against competing offerings.

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There are a number of places where information on product positioning can be found. Marketing websites, such as OTM Marketing and 1000 Ventures, are excellent places to learn about product positioning.

What does the term product positioning refer to?

Product positioning refers to the place a product occupies. A product offering occupies in consumers' minds on important attributes relative to competitive products. For example, grocery stores will put products they want you to buy in a prominent location, so you are more likely to buy them. For example, they will put the most expensive cereal at eye level. Another tactic of product positioning is putting products they know children will want on a level where they appeal to children. So the next time you are at the grocery store, and your child is begging for candy that they can easily grab, you can blame the store's product placement.

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Product positioning is intended to present products in the best possible ways to various target audiences.

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Product positioning refers to how a product is perceived in the market relative to its competitors, while branding is the process of creating a unique identity and association for a product or company. Branding plays a crucial role in defining the positioning strategy for a product by influencing consumer perceptions and preferences. A strong brand can help reinforce the desired position in the market and differentiate the product from competitors.

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