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Q: What is the meaning of the quote god write straight with crooked lines?
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Meaning of Albert Einstein quote-Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal?


What this quote means no two person regard the world in exactly the same way?

Meaning every person is different in their own way. We have different views on the world and different perspectives Not everyone is the same

In a research paper what should be in quotation marks?

Anything that is exactly the same wording as your source. Usually if the phrase is more than 3 words. Also, the quote is only in quotation marks if it is less than 4 lines. Paraphrasing requires citation, but not quotation marks.

What is Squantos quote?


When liberty comes with hands dabbled in blood it is hard to shake hands with her?

This is a quote used by the Irish writer and poet, Oscar Wilde, (1854--1900). I find it hard to understand what your question is here, however, I can explain the meaning of the quote to you, if that is what you were looking for.I take two meanings from this quote. One beingthat to gain freedoms, sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the benefit of everyone. The quote refers to wars fought and the price of lives paid to acquire and maintain freedom(s) for a nation. Oscar Wilde is saying that sometimes the price of blood paid is just too much and it's harder to enjoy freedom when it came at such a high cost. The second meaning being that sometimes it is hard to trust liberty ("hard to shake her hand dabbled with blood"), because you don't always know the motive behind her. You don't know the prices paid, or what will be paid to maintain liberalism. Also, it's hard to know if she-(Liberty; if refering to the United States) wants to spread liberalism throughout the world, quote example: "I believe in only one thing: liberty; but I do not believe in liberty enough to want to force it upon anyone." H.L Mencken; meaning that sometimes it can be hypocritical (as it is wrong to take away someone else's idea of what liberalism is by forcing your own upon them), therefore harder to trust.

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How many quoted lines must there be to use the block quote format?

There is no specific number of quoted lines required to use the block quote format. Generally, you would use the block quote format for a longer quotation that spans multiple lines in a document or conversation. Use your judgment to decide when to convert quoted text into a block quote for clarity and emphasis.

What does the quote from The Deserted Village lines 51-56 mean?

There is no quote available here. You will need to put the quote up in order to get an accurate response.

What does Paraphrase A Quote Mean?

That means to express the same meaning as the quote but rephrased in your own words.

What does the quote in the truest sense mean?

To provide an accurate interpretation of the quote, I would need to know the specific quote in question. If you provide me with the quote, I can help you understand its meaning.

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You didn't provide the quote for us. We can't answer the question.