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Associative means that two things are related in a way that they are similar even though they appear different. This includes things such as Math as well as real world properties.

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Q: What is the meaning of the word associative?
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How syllables in the word associative?

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A word connotation is?

It's the feeling or symbolic meaning of a word. Denotation is the dictionary definition, but connotation is what emotions the word evokes. In other words, connotattion is the entire collection of all suggested or implied meanings. EDIT: what it suggests.

What words share the same root word as association?

The words "associate," "associative," and "disassociate" share the same root word as "association." They all derive from the Latin word "associare," meaning "to unite or join together."

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the other meaning is Apa

What is the meaning of associative evidence?

Associative Evidence is evidence that links two separate entities, whether they are people or objects. In other words, associative evidence relates to the evidence that links a person (or object) to the scence of the crime.

Substraction of whole numbers is associative?

No, and the word is subtraction, not substraction!

What is assosiative property?

a + (b + c) = (a + b) + cThe word "associative" comes from "associate" or "group";the Associative Property is the rule that refers to grouping

What is the connotative meanings of relationship?

it means explain the relationship between what ever you are talking about. so say what the relationship is. State what is happening in the relationship

What words have the root word associate?

I think there's associative and association and associations

What is the difference between associative entity and relationship with attribute?

An associative entity is used to represent a many-to-many relationship between two or more entities in a database, while a relationship with attribute represents additional information or properties about the relationship itself. In other words, an associative entity helps in resolving many-to-many relationships, while a relationship with attribute adds details about the connections between entities.