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Q: What is the measure of deviation from the mean such that cases stretch toward one tail or the other is called?
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Why is the standard deviation of a distribution of means smaller than the standard deviation of the population from which it was derived?

The reason the standard deviation of a distribution of means is smaller than the standard deviation of the population from which it was derived is actually quite logical. Keep in mind that standard deviation is the square root of variance. Variance is quite simply an expression of the variation among values in the population. Each of the means within the distribution of means is comprised of a sample of values taken randomly from the population. While it is possible for a random sample of multiple values to have come from one extreme or the other of the population distribution, it is unlikely. Generally, each sample will consist of some values on the lower end of the distribution, some from the higher end, and most from near the middle. In most cases, the values (both extremes and middle values) within each sample will balance out and average out to somewhere toward the middle of the population distribution. So the mean of each sample is likely to be close to the mean of the population and unlikely to be extreme in either direction. Because the majority of the means in a distribution of means will fall closer to the population mean than many of the individual values in the population, there is less variation among the distribution of means than among individual values in the population from which it was derived. Because there is less variation, the variance is lower, and thus, the square root of the variance - the standard deviation of the distribution of means - is less than the standard deviation of the population from which it was derived.

What is acceleration toward the center of a circle caused by?

The force which causes acceleration towards the centre of a circle is called Centripetal force but what causes it can vary.

What is about the same size as a closet and it's in the hallway?

I don't know what it's called, but it's moving steadily toward us right now.

A woman walks in a straight line with the sun to her right at six o'clock in the morning. Toward which pole does she walk?

She is walking toward the North Pole

How many syllables in toward?

Two, I believe.

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What is a deviation of the tip of the great toe toward the outer or lateral side of the foot called?

A deviation of the tip of the great toe towards the outer side of the foot is called hallux valgus, commonly known as a bunion. This condition can cause pain and discomfort when walking or wearing tight shoes. Treatment options include orthotics, padding, wider shoes, or in severe cases, surgery.

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The Latin root word for attention is "attendere," which means "to stretch out" or "to reach toward."

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the slightest deviation from "right" action can lead to accusations of association with the devil.

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toward what?

When a wave is coming toward a surface it is called a what?

When a wave is coming toward a surface, it is called an incident wave.

How are tornadoes formed for third graders?

Tornadoes form from powerful, spinning thunderstorms called supercells. Sometimes some of the spinning air can start to squeeze tighter, which causes it to spin faster and stretch toward the ground. When it reaches the ground a tornado is born.

What do Parallel measure?

Latitude,the angular distance from the equator toward either pole.

What is a deviation of the tip of the great toe toward the outer or lateral side of the foot?

Movement of the tip of the big toe toward the outer side of the foot would be considered abduction of the big toe. Abduction is moving a body part away from the midline in the coronal plane.

What is toward or at the front of a ship called?

The front of a boat is called a bow.

What are some exercise stretch ideas?

A good way to stretch your neck is to hang your arms at your sides, slowly turn your head to the side until you feel a mild stretch and hold for 5 seconds, then repeat with the other side. You can also stretch the sides of your neck by tilting your head to each side (tilting your ear toward your shoulder), again with your arms relaxed at your sides, and hold for 5 seconds each side.

Blood vessel that carries blood toward the heart?

blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart are called veins.

What is it called if the rotor is thicker toward the hub and thinner toward the outside of the rotor?

It's called a taper. Time to replace the rotors, calipers and brake pads.