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The force which causes acceleration towards the centre of a circle is called Centripetal force but what causes it can vary.

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Q: What is acceleration toward the center of a circle caused by?
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When an object moves in a circular path it accelerates toward the center of the circle as a result of?

When an object moves in a circular path, it accelerates toward the center of the circle due to the centripetal acceleration. This acceleration is necessary to keep the object moving in a curved path rather than in a straight line.

What is the direction of acceleration when moving in a circle?

The direction of acceleration when moving in a circle is toward the center of the circle. This centripetal acceleration is responsible for changing the direction of the velocity vector as an object moves in circular motion.

What is the acceleration toward the center of a curved or circular path is called what acceleration?

The acceleration toward the center of a curved or circular path is called centripetal acceleration. It is directed towards the center of the circle and keeps an object moving in a circular path.

A car moves in uniform circular motion around a curve in the road What is the direction of the car's acceleration?

If the speed is constant, the acceleration is toward the center of the circle.

What is an example of tangential and centripetal acceleration?

If an object follows a circular path, it must have a centripetal force on it to keep it moving in a circle. Centripetal means "toward the center of the circle". The force causes Centripetal acceleration toward the center witch is along the radius of the circular path. Tangential acceleration occurs at a Tangent to the circular path and is always perpendicular to the centripetal acceleration. Always perpendicular to the radius of the circle.

Why does centripetal acceleration occur?

Centripetal acceleration occurs because an object moving in a circular path is constantly changing direction, which requires an inward force to keep it moving in a circle. This inward force causes the centripetal acceleration, directed towards the center of the circle.

When an object moves in circular path it accelerates towards the center of the circle as a result of?

when an object moved in a circular path it accelerates toward the center of the circle as a result of

What is the Direction of Acceleration of an object moving on any circular path at constant speed is pointed?

The direction of acceleration of an object moving on a circular path at constant speed is pointed towards the center of the circle. This acceleration is called centripetal acceleration and is necessary to keep the object moving in a curved path.

Where is the acceleration of a satellite directed?

Straight toward the center of mass of whatever body it's orbiting. If the orbit happens to be circular, then that's the center of the circle.

What is centripetal acceleration and find its magnitude and direction in the case of uniform circular motion?

Centripetal acceleration is the acceleration that points towards the center of a circular path. Its magnitude is given by a = v^2 / r, where v is the speed of the object and r is the radius of the circle. The direction of centripetal acceleration is towards the center of the circular path.

What force keeps an object moving in a circle. in what direction does this force act?

The Centripetal force keeps a object moving in a circle and its force and acceleration are directed toward the center of the circle

Where is the acceleration of satellite directed?

The acceleration of a satellite is generally directed towards the center of the celestial body it is orbiting, such as the Earth for a satellite in Earth's orbit. This acceleration is due to gravity, which keeps the satellite in its orbit.