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360/7 = 51o25'42.86''

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Q: What is the measure of one of the exterior angels of the regular heptagon?
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How do you find the sum of the exterior angels in a regular poly gon?

It doesn't matter what shape it is, the sum of the exterior angels in any polygon is 180.

What are the angels in a heptagon?

There are no supernatural beings in a heptagon.

What is the measure of one of the exterior angels of the regular quadilateral?

I think you are talking about angles, so here it is: A quadrilateral has 4 angles that add up to 360°. You have to know the interior angle to find the exterior, or vice versa.

What are the exterior angels of a 9 sided polygon?

The internal angles of a regular nonagon are 140o, so the exterior angles must be 220o (360o-140o).

Find the sum of the measures of the exterior angels of a nonagon?

Not so sure about angels, butThe sum of the exterior angles of ANY polygon is 360 degrees. The number of sides or vertices, whether the shape is regular or irregular, are irrelevant.

How many angels does a heptagon have?

A heptagon has 7 angles. You can remember this by the hep- help. Help I have 7 kids!!!

The measures of the exterior angels of a convex quadrilateral are 90 degrees 10x degrees 5x degrees and 45 degrees What is the measure of the largest exterior angel?

150 degrees

What is the sum of measures of the interior angels of a heptagon?

The 7 interior angles of a heptagon add up to 900 degrees

What do you call polygons in which all sides have the same length and all angels have the same measure?

regular polygons

How many sides would a polygon have if it's exterior angels is 10 degrees?

Providing that it's a regular polygon it will have 36 sides because 360/10 = 36

How many exterior angels has a tragle?

A triangle has 3 exterior angles that add up to 360 degrees

What do the exterior angels of an irregular pentagon add up to?