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Q: What is the median for numbers 76 84 93 678287 and 76?
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What is the median of numbers 76 84 93 67 82 87 and 76?

The median is 82, the middle value.

What is the median of the numbers 68 69 75 76 76 81 82 86 88 93 94 95 95 96?

The median of these fourteen numbers is 84.

What is the median for these numbers 83 95 76 90 72 84 65 and 75?

It is: (76+83)/2 = 79.5

What is the median of 72 76 80 84 88 88 and 100?

The median is 84.

What is the mean median mode range of 89 76 85 76 77 84?

For median the list needs to be sorted into increasing order, but doing so also helps with the range and mode, so I'll do that first: {89, 76, 85, 76, 77, 84} → {76, 76, 77, 84, 85, 89} Mean: add them up and divide the sum by how many numbers there are: mean = (89 + 76 + 85 + 76 + 77 + 84) / 6 = 81 1/6 ≈ 81.167 Median: middle number when listed in order; if there are an even number of data items, then the median is the mean average of the middle two: There are 6 data items so median is mean average of middle two: median = (77 + 84) / 2 = 80 ½ = 80.5 Mode: the most frequent, it the number which occurs the most often. There can be more than one mode: mode = 76 as there are two of them and only 1 of all the other numbers. Range: the difference between the greatest and least numbers: range = 89 - 76 = 13

What would your median be if you had 84 and 85 as your numbers?

The median is the middle value or, in your case, where there is an even amount of numbers, the average of the two middle numbers. This means the median of 84 and 85 is the same as the average, which is 84.5 (84 and 85 divided by 2)

What is the mean median mode and range of 65 56 57 75 76 66 64?

56, 57, 64, 65, 66, 75, 76 Mean: 65 and 4/7 Median: 65 Mode: There is no mode. Range: 20

What is mean median mode range and set?

# Well, the mean is like the average. So if you had these numbers 5,10,and 15, the mean(average) would be 10. # The median is like the middle number in a set of numbers. So if these were your numbers 3, 54, 66,71,75, 76, 78, 84, 88, 92, 99. The median is 76. # The mode is the number that repeated itself more then once. (there can be more than 1 mode) So if these were your set of numbers, 12, 12, 12, 43, 53, 61, 78, 84, 94, 99,99,99,99. Then your mode would be 99. # The range is the difference between the min. and max. numbers in your set of number. So if your set of numbers were 15,34,57,78,81,97. The range would be 82.

What is the median of 56 56 62 71 74 76 84 90 94 94 96 101 103 103 103 107 108 174?

The median is 94.

What is the median of 100 99 96 88 84 83 82 79 76 75 70 62 60?

It is 82

How do you do median?

You order the numbers in order of least to greatest then you just mark them off one by one on each side. when/if you get two numbers, you just pick the number in between the numbers. I.E. If you had the numbers 12, 58, 26, 84, 26, 84, and 39, you would write them out 12, 26, 26, 39, 58, 84, 84, then cross them out like this: 26, 26, 39, 58, 84; 26, 39, 58; 39; and 39 would be the median. if you had two numbers left, like 14 and 17, the median would be halfway between them, which would be 15.5.

What is the median of the numbers 70 78 84 86 86 100 100 100?

8 numbers, so the median is the mean average of the 4th and 5th numbers. 4th number is 86 5th number is 86 median = (86 + 86) ÷ 2 = 86.