It is a customary unit.
There is no such thing as a "metric" mile. There IS one kilometer, which is one thousand meters. One meter is 39.4 inches, making one kilometer 3,283 feet four inches. One mile is 5280 feet, making one kilometer about 6/10 of a mile. EDIT: Whoever made that comment is being far to technical in their answer. To answer the question a different way, a metric mile is the name Americans give to the European standard of middle distance running in the Olympics: the 1500 meter race. So a metric mile is actually 1.5Km which is just 109 meters short of an actual mile. The 1500, or metric mile, is run at the Olympics, the 1600 is run in most American high schools, and the 1609 is the official USA Track and Field distance. All can be referred to as "the mile," but only the 1500 carries the name "metric mile."
One mile in metric is 1609 meters, or about 1.6 km.
The distance measured in sea that is called nautical mile & the speed is measured in knots 1 nautical mile =1852 metre
A kilogram is a unit of mass (weight) but a mile is a unit of distance. Distance does not have mass so you cannot say that any amount of kilograms are equal to a mile. A kilometer is the metric unit of distance. There are 1.61 kilometers in a mile.
According to the Wikipedia article, a metric mile can be 1500 meters, or 1600 meters. While 1 statute mile is 1609.344 meters. I guess this is the imperial mile that you are referring to.So the metric mile is less.
A metric mile is a distance of a mile rounded to an approximate round number in meters. 1600 m is a good number for a metric mile. An actual mile is 1609.344 m. A metric mile set at 1600 m contains 5249.34 ft.
It is a customary unit.
The kilometre. 1 mile = 1.6093412 kilometres.
1 mile = 1609 m
Km is metric measure mile is US measure
the mile (approx 1600m)
1 mile = 1.609344 kilometres.
1 mile=63,360 inches
Just as long as any other METRIC mile.
1500 metres