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It can be calculated at any altitude - including negative ones - eg under water.

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Q: What is the minimum altitude at which mach number can be calculated?
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Related questions

What happens to Critical Mach number with altitude?

Critical Mach Number has nothing (directly) to do with altitude. Mach Number has everything to do Temperature,

How fast is Mach 0.85?

Mach number is dependent on a number of factors. Factors such as air density or altitude will change the Mach number. At approximatively 45 000 ft Mach 0.85 =289.2361 m/s = 1041.25 km/h = 647.0028 mph

How fast is mach 3.3?

Mach 3.3 is about 2,512 mph depending on altitude.

Will the speed of an aeroplane be same which is flying at different altitudes and have same mach number 2?

no mach no is defined as ratio of local speed of aeroplane to speed of sound. As the altitude increases the True speed of aeroplane increases and speed of sound decreases because of reduction of ambient temperature Hence the value of their ratio should increase at an increasing rate with increase in altitude. Keeping the Mach No constant say, 2 means reduction of speed to a large extent so as to maintain constant Mach No. Therefore same Mach no the aeroplane at higher altitude is flying slower

How to convert mach number into meter?

MACH NUMBER can be calculated by dividing the spped of an object by its local speed of soundTo convert it into metre multiply it with the speed of sound. For example, to convert 0.8 mach into metre , 0.8 with 343 gives 274.4 m/s.

Is the SR-71 top speed calculated to be Mach 5?

no. it's top speed was calculated to only be mach 3.5

The ratio of speed of a body to the speed of sound is called?

the Mach number

How fast is a F16?

More than Mach 2 at its premium altitude.

What is the equivalent of 1 mach speed to kilometers per hour?

It depends on altitude and humidity Mach I is about 1,225 kilometers per hour.

How many mph is 0.85 mach?

That all depends on the altitude the mach speed is occurring at. Mach 1 is defined as the speed of sound which is a function of fluid density. In air at sea level and normal temperature, 0.85 mach = ~647 mph 0.85mach ~.(0.85*330)mph

Who invented the mach number?

Ernst Mach .

What is 3400 kmph to mach speed?

The Mach number for the speed of an object travelling through a particular medium is the ratio of the object's speed relative to the speed of sound through the same medium. The speed of sound through any medium depends on the nature and density of the medium and, as a result, so does the Mach number. In air, the Mach ratio is mostly dependent on temperature and humidity and, to a lesser extent, on altitude. Generally, Mach 1 (in air, at standard sea level conditions, and at 15 deg C) is approx 1223 kmph. So 3400 kmph would be approx 2.8 Mach. But 3400 kmph in water would be a very much lower Mach number.