Outside diameter (OD) of adjacent manholes (including the bottom slabs) should have minimum
of five (5) feet horizontal clearance.
the minimium distance between the two meridians is at the poles because all the meridians comerge at the poles
The wavelength (denoted by Greek letter Lambda) is the minimum distance between any two corresponding points on a wave that are in the same stage of the cycle. This distance is usually measured from peak to peak (crest to crest or trough to trough). Wavelength is a distance and is usually measured in meters.
you have to keep minimum 300 yards distance from area 51 border or else they'll pop your tires and arrest you.
5ft. (1.5 m)
There is no exact figure that can represent the distance between two tubewells. It depends upon the underground formation if two tubewells drilled at a distance of 100ft. and both sharing the same low water bearing aquifer then the discharge of one will effect the discharge of the other well. Distance should be as far as it could be, atleast more then 400ft. (minimum side) Farhan
1 inch
the minimum distance between two cable joint 2 meter (refer IEC 60052-4)
There is no code regulation regarding this scenario.
The minimum distance between flammable material & radio depends the amount of radiation of radio. The flammable things may be wood because the cabinet is wood.
The minimum distance is the depth of the excavation...
3 metres.
What is the minimum distance between the bottom of a sink and the trap attachment for a bathroom sink
The perpendicular distance is the shortest.
The minimum distance between the housing properties in the United Kingdom is 21 meters. This is to enable the house properties have ample space between them.
Neem trees don't have to be too far from the house. The minimum distance would be between seven and eight feet.
Can be as little as you like.