In Euclidean geometry each line contains a minimum of an infinite number of points.
In projective geometry, though, a line may have as few as two points.
The answer is infinite number of lines
3.Any three points will determine a plane, provided they are not collinear. If you pick any two points, you can draw a line to connect them.
A line contains at least 2 points.
An infinite series of points
What is m, the slope of the line that contains the points (6,0), (0,1), and (12,-1)
The minimum is two points, one point at each end of the line.
A line, ray, or line segment contains an infinite number of points.
A line contains an infinite number of points but it takes only two points to determine a line.
Two. Two points determine a line. Three points determine a plane.
{| |- | A line is defined by naming at least two points. It contains an infinite number of points, but two have to be identified. A line can also be defined by a single point and a direction. |}
The answer is infinite number of lines
well, if a line is considered to conect two points, then two people is the minimum line.
A point has no size, and a line is of infinite length, so it contains an infinite number of points. It takes only two points to describe or identify a line, but number of points it contains is infinte. Actually, even a line segment has an infinite number, since it is not possible to get two points so close together that another point won't fit between them.
It is a part of the number line, and between 2.93 and 2.95 it contains infinitely many points.
3.Any three points will determine a plane, provided they are not collinear. If you pick any two points, you can draw a line to connect them.
A line contains at least 2 points.
depends on the position of the points if points are collinear, we have just only one line, the minimum number. If points are in different position (if any of the two points are not collinear) we have 21 lines (7C2), the maximum number of lines.