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Q: What is the missing number in this nuclear reaction 237 93 Np 4 2 He 233 Pa?
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Pasted in problem, which is simple addition. 229 229 229

What is the missing number in this nuclear equation 233 Pa?

The question cannot be answered since there is no equation there!

What makes uranium 233 hard to get?

Uranium 233 is an artificial isotope obtained only in a nuclear reactor from thorium 232 by the intermediate of a (n, gamma) nuclear reaction.

How does thorium change into uranium?

The nuclear reaction is:Th-232(n,gamma)U-233

How bad is uranium 233?

Uranium-233 is not bad ! It is an important nuclear fuel . And also can be used in nuclear weapons.But it is radioactive and toxic as all uranium isotopes.

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Non-Nuclear Futures has 233 pages.

How is protactinium obtained?

Now protactinium is obtained by a nuclear reaction:Th-232 + n------------Th-233--------------Pa-233

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There is no missing number. The Fibonacci sequence continues: 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, ...

What number comes after 233?

233 + 1 = 234