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First of all, a football player who's moving at 7 miles per second has more to worry

about than his momentum. That's 25,200 miles an hour, and if somebody doesn't

grab him, and his helmet doesn't burst into flame from the atmospheric friction,

he's going to leave the end-zone and go into low-earth orbit.

But we'll just do the math.

Momentum = (mass) x (speed)

which is easy enough, but we have to make sure that all the units are in the same

system. Right now they're not, so we have to remember to convert that "7 miles"

into meters.

Momentum = (100 kg) x (7 mi/sec) x (1,609.344 meter/mile) = 1,126,540.8 kg-m/sec

That's roughly the same momentum as a 28-ton truck moving at 100 mph.

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Q: What is the momentum of a 100 kg football player who is moving at 7 miles per second?
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