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Momentum is mass times velocity. What is the mass of someone?

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Q: What is the momentum of someone running at the speed of 4 ms?
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The momentum of an object is determined by its mass and velocity. In this case, the cheetah with a mass of 74 kg and a speed of 31 m/s would have a greater momentum than the elephant with a mass of 7000 kg running at 18 km/hr. This is because momentum is proportional to both mass and velocity, and the cheetah has a higher speed despite having much less mass.

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Momentum = (mass) x (speed) = (67 x 23) = 1,541 kg-m/s.

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The momentum of each spaceship is given by mass x velocity. Therefore, spaceship 1 has a momentum of 0 kgm/s and spaceship 2 has a momentum of 2000 kgm/s. When combined, the total momentum would be 2000 kg*m/s.

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The momentum of the dog can be calculated as the product of its mass (20 kg) and velocity (8 m/s). Therefore, the momentum of the dog is 160 kg*m/s.

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i would have to say 30000 kg ms but i may be wrong

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2,000 kg-m/s

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Spaceship 1's initial speed can be calculated using the momentum formula: momentum = mass x velocity. Solving for velocity, we have: 600 kg-ms = 300 kg x velocity. Therefore, the initial speed of Spaceship 1 is 2 m/s.

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The momentum of the ostrich can be calculated using the formula: momentum = mass x velocity. Plugging in the values: momentum = 120 kg x 15 m/s = 1800 kg*m/s.

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The momentum of the car can be calculated using the formula: momentum = mass x velocity. Plugging in the values, we get momentum = 920 kg x 25 m/s = 23,000 kg m/s.