9 hours 42 minutes to travel 565 miles at 60 mph
If you travel at 60 mph, it would take 2 and a half hours. If you travel at 65 mph, it would take 2 hours and 18 minutes.
96 miles in two hours is 48 mph
Eight hours.
Type your answer here... The car will travel 330 miles in 6 hours.
At 62 mph for 3.5 hours, you would travel 217 miles.
150 miles.
It takes 2 hours 24 minutes to travel 120 miles at 50 MPH.
9 hours 42 minutes to travel 565 miles at 60 mph
p/60 hours.
336 miles
2.09 hours
The bus will travel 200 miles in 3 hours and 20 minutes at 60 mph
If you travel at 60 mph, it would take 2 and a half hours. If you travel at 65 mph, it would take 2 hours and 18 minutes.
96 miles in two hours is 48 mph
If I am going at a speed of 65 mph(Miles per Hour), then, I'll take 1 hour to travel 65 miles. Hence I'll travel 65 * 12 =780 miles in 12 hours.
Five hours.