it doesn't have a specific name. It is just written as 1/3 mm. It can also be written as o.333333333333333333333333mm but this is long, annyoing to write out and actually less accurate than 1/3
It is a millimeter
a millimeter is the length of a millimeter
a cubic centimeter is a cc, there is no special name for a cubic millimeter.
The name of the distance that is 10 times smaller than a centimeter is a millimeter. A millimeter is one thousandth of a meter.
A millimeter is 1/1000 of a meter.
1,000 A micron is a short name for micrometer = 1 meter divided by i million. A millimeter = 1 meter divided by 1000
1 meter is equal to 1000 millimeters. It's all in the name. 'Milli' denotes 1/1000. Hence 1 millimeter is 1/1000th of a meter.
It is 0.1 millimetres or 100 micrometres. There is no specific name.
The metric unit for 1 millimeter is meters. 1 millimeter is equal to 0.001 meters.
Millimeter is the smallest unit among centimeter, kilometer, millimeter, and meter.