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Q: What is the name for the difference between the minimum and maximum values in a five number summary?
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What is the name for the difference between the minimum and the maximum values in the 5-number summary?


What is a five number summary?

In Statistics the Five Number Summary is the sample's minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum.

What is a 5- number summary?

A Five number summary is the minimum, quartile 1, median, quartile 3, and maximum of the data. (numbers)

What is the difference bitween abstract and summary?

The difference between abstract and summary is that an abstract is a short from of a summary.

What is used in a five-number summary of a data set?

One possibility is minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum.

What is the average value of a data set?

What is a visual Representation of the five number summary minimum first quartile medium third quartile and maximum

What is the name for the difference for the difference between the third quartile and first quartile in a five- number summary?

Interquartile range.

What is the difference between summary and presi writing?

Same thing as far as I know. Wrote the test that had been reffered as presi (english summary) test.

What are a set of numbers representing some sort of information from the sample population?

One example is the "Five Number Summary" consisting of the sample's minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum.

What is the name for the difference between the first quartile and the third quartile in a five number summary?

75th percentile

What is the difference between a summary and an outline?

A summary takes the entire paper and shortens it to highlight key points. An outline takes every idea or main point and briefly talks about it.

What is the five-number summary needed for a box plot of this data?

The box plot uses the minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum. The questioner has not provided the data which would enable their values to be calculated.