One possibility is minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum.
You cannot. If you have only such summary statistics the detailed information is lost.
data pattern
What is a visual Representation of the five number summary minimum first quartile medium third quartile and maximum
They are measures of central tendency and are used to to give a summary measure for some set of observations.
The number that is not the smallest or the biggest in a set of numbers.
A Summary formula is a formula in Salesforce that allows users to calculate aggregate values (like Sum, Average, Min, Max) on a grouped set of records in a report. It can be used to perform calculations on data to generate summary information for reports and dashboards.
Conventional Lead or summary lead is a king of lead used in straight news. The main topic are Who, What, Where, When, Why, How.
You calculate summary statistics: measures of the central tendency and dispersion (spread). The precise statistics would depend on the nature of the data set.
You cannot. If you have only such summary statistics the detailed information is lost.
Frequency distribution.
When I Set Out for Lyonnesse summary
data pattern
What is a visual Representation of the five number summary minimum first quartile medium third quartile and maximum
They are measures of central tendency and are used to to give a summary measure for some set of observations.
The number that is not the smallest or the biggest in a set of numbers.
A set of data is a set of nuumbers .
If in a data set, each data point is only used once, then there is no mode.