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random sampling

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Q: What is the name given to a sample that allows everyone or everything to have an equal chance of selection?
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Because everyone has the chance to give their answer and the internet is smart.

This process gives everyone in the population an equal chance of becoming a member of the sample?

Random Selection Process

How can a wide range of phenotypes increase the chance that some individuals will survive in a changing environment?

by natural selection.

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This is when you will go through everything occasionally. It allows for the chance to catch any mistakes or issues that may come up.

Is the evolutionary theory based on chance?

No, the theory of evolution is not based solely on chance. While genetic variation arises through random mutations, natural selection acts on these variations in a non-random manner, favoring traits that increase an organism's fitness in a given environment. This process results in the gradual change and adaptation of species over time.

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It is morally because it allows everyone a fair chance. Sometimes it is taken advantage of which could harm other people.

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How does natural selection relate to randomness?

In all natural processes, there is an element of chance. In natural selection, most of that chance is introduced by the randomness of the genetic variations it works with. But other elements of chance exist as well. Natural selection is a stochastic phenomenon: not every less able variant will produce less offspring than the more able variant; much depends on chance environmental circumstances.

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A non-random selection is one in which all of the people do not have equal chance of being included in the sample.

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