name 3 types of permanent storage devices
In some non-Euclidean geometries the 3 angles of a triange will add up to less than 180 degrees. In other non-Euclidean geometries they will add up to more than 180 degrees.
A triangle has 3 sides, 3 angles ( hence the name triangle ) and three kinds of common types ( Right, isosceles, and scalene. )
This is geometry that is based on ordinary space-- space as we normally consider it. This is the ordinary space of 3 dimensions as you can imagine them in the coordinate system. Planes are flat, and parallel lines on any plane never ever meet, parallel planes never meet... you get the point. There are geometries that involve other kinds of space and they are called "non-Euclidean" geometries. Some of these non-Euclidian geometries are very real and not just theoretical in nature. For example, in the relativistic world, the space in and around very strong gravitational forces is distorted. This has been observed and verified in several ways. Euclidean proofs and the methods of analytical geometry do not work without accounting for these spacial distortions.
the world may never know
name 3 types of permanent storage devices
In some non-Euclidean geometries the 3 angles of a triange will add up to less than 180 degrees. In other non-Euclidean geometries they will add up to more than 180 degrees.
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three types of snowflake
karamjan monkey
There are infinitely many types of 3 dimensional figures. It is impossible to name them all.
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Afferent, efferent, and interneurons.
1.- Flatworms 2.-Segmentedworms 3.-Roundworms
solid, liquid and gas