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Q: What is the name of Congruent legs of an isosceles triangle?
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What is the name of a triangle with 2 congruent sides?

An isosceles triangle has two congruent sides.

What is the name of a triangle with two congruent angles?


What is a triangle with 2 sides congruent called?

An isosceles triangle, remember the two s's, and that's how I remember this name goes with the triangle thy has 2 congruent sides!

Is there a name for the two long sides of an isosceles triangle?

The two equal length sides of an isosceles triangle are the legs.

What is the name of a triangle with atleast two sides congruent?

An Isosceles triangle has 2 equal sides. Scalene triangles have no congruent sides, and equilateral triangles have every side congruent.

What is the name of the geometric solid with four faces that are congruent triangles?

Isosceles TetrahedronA solid with four faces is a tetrahedron. Each of the faces is a triangle. If all the triangles are congruent, you have an isosceles tetrahedron.

What is the name of a triangle have at least 2 sides congruent?

An isosceles triangle has 2 equal sides whereas an equilateral triangle has 3 equal sides

What is the name of a triangle with two congruent sides?

a congruent triangle?

How did the isosceles triangle receive its name?

An isosceles triangle has at least two equal sides. It's name is derived from the Greek isos which means equal and skelos which means legs. The current spelling comes from the translation from Greek to Latin.

An isosceles triangle is equilateral?

No, isosceles and equilateral are two separate types of triangles. Isosceles triangles have only two congruent sides, while all three sides of an equilateral triangle are congruent.

How did the isosceles trignale get its name?

Assuming that trignale is a curious way of spelling triangle, isosceles means with equal legs from the Greek isos = equal and skelos = leg. The Greek isoskeles changed to the Latin isosceles and that is how it has remained.

What is another name for a right triangle?

An isosceles triangle.