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Q: What is the name of the flower that blooms every 7 years?
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Name the flower blooms once in four years?

it can be raflesia

Name the flower that blooms once in a year?

The Century Plant (Agave americana) is a succulent plant that typically blooms once in its lifetime, which can be anywhere from 10 to 30 years. Its large flower stalk can reach up to 25 feet in height and produces a cluster of flowers before the plant dies.

Meaning of the name Samantha?

Samantha means a flower that blooms and when a man loves a woman the name samantha comes up.

Are chameli and jasmine same?

Yes, chameli and jasmine are the same flower. "Chameli" is the Hindi name for the jasmine flower, which is known for its fragrant and white blooms.

What ocular flower gets its name from the Old English because it closes at night and blooms at dawn?

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What is the scientific name of the giant flower?

The scientific name of the giant flower is Rafflesia arnoldii. It is known for producing the largest individual flower in the world, with blooms that can reach up to 3 feet (1 meter) in diameter.

What is the name of the tree that blooms every seven years?

The Strobilanthes callosu is a type of shrub that can be found in India. The shrub takes at least 7 years to bloom.

What does the name zenubia mean?

It is thought to be related to the Arabic name "Zeynab". "Zeynab" is the name of a sweet-scented flowering bush, but I haven't been able to find out the English word for this flower. The zeynab is known as the "flower of Heaven" because Muslims believe that this bush blooms in Paradise.

Does bloom exist?

I don't know do they? Of course! When a flower blooms its blooming. Or unless you mean something eltse. TOP CONTRIBUTER Isporta Moichgelltio ( NOT REAL NAME REAL NAME OVERLYNE)

What is the name of the California state flower?

Every state has its state symbol flower. Over 100 years ago on December 12th, 1890 the state of California voted to be represented by the California Golden Poppy.

What is a fragrant flower name?

Gardenia- I believe this flower is as much a staple in a Southerner's garden as cornmeal is in the kitchen pantry. I love the fragrance and the stark contrast of dark green, glossy leaves and bright white blooms. It is so classy and elegant."

Which tree flowers every 120 years?

Its common name is Neelakurinji, often shortened to kurinji. Its scientific name is Strobilanthes kunthiana. There is a picture, and an informative article, at