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I believe what you are thinking of is an octahedron. It resembles two pyramids with square base that are joined.

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Q: What is the name of the shape that looks like two pyramids stuck together?
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What does octahedron mean?

Eight sided three-dimensional shape. Often this looks like two pyramids stuck together at their bases.

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What is 3d diamond called?

diamondActually, i think that it is an octahedron, which looks like 2 pyramids stuck together by their bases.

Which shape have 9 edges and 5 vertices?

A hexahedron in the form of a triangular bipyramid: two triangular pyramids stuck together.

What is a 3d shape that has ten triangle faces?

A di-pentagonal pyramid: which is two pentagonal pyramids with their pentagonal faces stuck together.

What shape has 6 vertexes and 5 faces and 9 edges?

A triangular dipyramid - two triangular pyramids stuck together.

What is a solid shape with six congruent faces?

A ditetrahedron (two triangular pyramids stuck together base-to-base) or, more boringly, a cube.

What shape has eight sides that are equilateral triangles?

A regular octahedron - two square based pyramids stuck together along their square bases.

What 3d shape has 6 triangular faces?

A hexahedron or a triangular dipyramid. This is the shape formed by two triangular pyramids (tetrahedrons) stuck together along one triangular face.

What is a 3D diamond called?

a dimond!actually, i think that it is an octahedron, which looks like 2 pyramids stuck together by their bases.

A 3d shape with six congruent sides?

what is a shape with six congruent sides? Congruent = similar or fit together well My Answer: CUBE ..._ ./_/| |_|/ * * * * * Or a triangular dipyramid which is two regular tetrahedra (equilateral triangular pyramids) stuck together face-to-face.

What is three- dimensional shape?

A shape that has a X, Y and Z axis. It has multiple faces and vertices so it looks like lots of two-dimensional shapes stuck together.