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Q: What is a two pyramids stuck together in diamond shape called?
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Related questions

Is a diamond a polygon shape?

Yes, there is polygon that is called a diamond but it is not the same shape as the precious stone.

What is the 3d shape for a hexegon?

A hexahedron is two triangular pyramids with their bases glued together.

What is a diamond shape poem called?

A diamond-shaped poem is called a "diamond poem" or a "diamond shaped poem."

How did the Egyptians cut their diamonds?

Ancient Egyptians may not have 'cut' their diamonds in the same way that diamonds are 'cut' today. The natural occurrence of a diamond can be a pyramid shape, and even two pyramids fused together at the base. In this incarnation, a diamond is quite beautiful and eye-catching.

What shape was the first diamond made into?

Raw diamond stones come in all shapes, but once the stray materials are chipped away, the basic shape of the purest, most transparent parts of the stone can generally be described as pyramids, sometimes two pyramids joined at the base. Early admirers of diamonds capitalized on these natural shapes. Diamond jewelry that has survived the ages reveal this natural shape, with points of the pyramids mounted outwardly. This orientation positions the stone's natural facets so that light can be reflected and refracted back to the eye of the observer.

Why is the shape of a baseball field in the shape of a diamond?

they didn't want the bases to be close together.

What is the name of the shape that looks like two pyramids stuck together?

I believe what you are thinking of is an octahedron. It resembles two pyramids with square base that are joined.

What is a marquise diamond?

A Marquise diamond is referring to the shape of the diamond. The shape of a Marquise diamond can fairly easily be replicated by putting your thumbs and your pinky fingers of each hand together and then stretching your fingers apart as far as they can go on each hand. You will see a diamond shape.

How many corners does a cut and polished diamond have?

it depends in what shape the diamond is cut Another Answer As a raw stone, a diamond can be shaped like a pyramid, or two pyramids joined at the base. Can you count the corners in the two-pyramid example?

What is an everyday example of a pyramid?

Examples: A pyramids, person shape like pyramids, foods shape like pyramids etc

How is Diamond shaped naturally?

Some raw diamonds appear in the shape of a pyramid, or two pyramids joined at the base before any diamond cutter shapes the stone. This is not uniformly true, however.

What is a sort of diamond shape called?

It could be called a kite, a rhombus or a square. This depends on the perspective, length and angles of the diamond.