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fill handle

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Mercedes Gerlach

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1y ago
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Q: What is the name of the square in the lower-right corner of a selection that is used to copy cell?
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In Excel the tiny black square that appears in the lower right-hand corner of a selected cell is called what?

The little square in the lower right corner of a cell is called the fill handle.

The small black square located in the lower-right corner of the heavy border around the active cell is called the?

The fill handle is the small black square located in the lower right corner of the heavy border around the active cell. The active cell cannot be identified by a block arrow displaying in the center of the cell.

A small black square in the lower corner of an active cell called?

The small black square in the lower corner of an active cell in Excel is known as the Fill Handle. You can use it to quickly fill data into adjacent cells by dragging it.

What does the cell pointer change to when pointing at the small black square at the bottom right corner of the active cell in Microsoft Excel?

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What is the small black square in the lower right corner of the heavy border around the active cell?

Fill Handle

How do you identify auto fill handle?

It appears as a small black square in the bottom right corner of the box around a cell or cells when you have a cell or cells selected.

What is cell selector?

=cell selector is an object that can be used for cell selection.=

What is home cell?

The HOME CELL is cell A1 (top left corner of the spreadsheet).

Is a animal cell a square?

a animal cell is round and a plant cell is a square.

What does a green arrow in the corner of an Excel cell mean?

A green arrow in the corner of an excel cell means that excel suspects soemthing may be wrong with the formula in a particular cell.

Is an organ a cell or tissue?

Organs are a selection of tissues.

The fill handle is located on the border of the active?

It will be on the bottom right corner of the border of the active cell if one cell is selected. If more than one cell is selected, then it will be at the bottom right corner of the selected area.