The upper part of a fraction is its numerator and the lower part of a fraction is its denominator.
It is a quarter.
A numerator is the number in a fraction that lies abovethe divide line. The number that lies below the divide line is the denominator.For example, the fraction 3/4 has a numerator (3) and a denominator (4).the top number in a fractionThe numerator is the upper half of a fraction.
Take the two digits after the decimal point, put them over 1 followed by two zeros and put the digit before the decimal point in front, reducing the fraction to simplest terms to create a mixed number: 6.63 = 663/100 Should you want it as an improper fraction, multiply the whole number by the denominator (lower number) of the fraction, add the numerator (upper number) of the fraction and put the result over the denominator of the fraction: 663/100 = 663/100
The denominator.
numerator and the bottom one is the denominator
The upper part of a fraction is its numerator and the lower part of a fraction is its denominator.
The name of a fraction with a larger number on top is called an improper fraction.
a proper fraction
The upper portion of a fraction is called the numerator.
In its simplified form, there is no such number.
a denominatorbecause is the bottom number
A rational number.
There is no such number on any of the printed cheques that I have seen.
If the fraction has been simplified, then there is no such number.