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Q: What is the name of this equation V equals IR?
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It usually represents current in amps as in the equation V=IR (volts equals current times resistance)

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Why is it written as V equals IR why not as I equals VR?

The equation V = IR represents Ohm's Law, which states that voltage (V) is proportional to current (I) times resistance (R). It is conventionally written in this form to emphasize that the voltage across a circuit component is determined by the current flowing through it and the resistance it offers. Flipping the equation to I = VR would not match this relationship.

What changes with the electric current?

Since V=IR then the answer would be voltage and/or resistance.AnswerIn the equation, V = IR, resistance is a constant -so it does not change with a change in current.

Is V equals IR ohms law?

Some say so.

What is power equation with the resitance of 8.2 and current of .005?

v=ir .005X8.2=.0041

What is v-11 equals 7?

It is an equation and the value of v is 18

What is the name for the formula E equals IR?

Ohm's law - some times also represented as V = IR, where V is the Voltage, I is the Current and R being the Resistant (Constant). The law states that the current is directly proportional to the potential difference (voltage) across the two points. i.e. "I" is proportional to "V"

What is v plus 0.84 equals 6?

It is an equation and the value of v is 5.16

What is the answer to this equation 26 equals 8 plus v?

If: 26 = 8+v Then: v = 18

What is k in equation V equals tk?

It is impossible to answer the question without some information about V or t or what the equation is meant to represent.

If you multiply amp times ohm the answers will be in units of?

Volts. Using the equation V=IR Change in voltage (measured in volts) = Current (in Amps) * Resistance (in ohms) So a volt equals amps times ohms.