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Q: What is the name of using the numbers 0 and 1 into a code?
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Output the numbers from 0 to 10 to the port register, for onstance in PICBasic use the following code: [code] for PORTB = 0 to 10 next PORTB [/code]

Write a C program to find lowest number among ten numbers using for loop?

If you had an array int numbers[10]; you would do it like this: CODE: int lowestnumber = numbers[0]; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ if(numbers[i] < lowestnumber) lowestnumber = numbers[i]; } END CODE I think this should work, and in the end the variable lowestnumber will hold the lowest value in the ten. Hope this helps.

What numbers are in involved in binary code?

1 & 0 ......

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There is no country code +530, and there are no valid numbers beginning with +53 0. (Country code +53 is Cuba, but no Cuban numbers begin with 0.)

How can 124or 8 using division to get 0?

You cannot get 0 using only those numbers and division.

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In order to get answer of zero using 124 and 8, you need to multiply the numbers with 0.

What country has a calling code 82 0?

invalid codeCountry code +82 is South Korea, but no valid numbers begin with +82 0.

How do you get the answer for 'name five numbers between 0 and 1'?

the answer depends on what kind of numbers you are dealing with. If you are using only integers then there is no answer to this question. Integers are numbers without decimals, both negative, positive and zero. If you are using real numbers (which includes decimals), then then there are an infinite number of possibilities between 1 and 0 (ie. 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.87, 0.6543 etc..).

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How many combinations of 5 are there in 0 to 10 numbers?

There are a huge number of combinations of 5 numbers when using the numbers 0 through 10. There are 10 to the 5th power combinations of these numbers.

What does the two numbers in the binary code express in the flow of electricity?

1 and 0

What 2 numbers are used in the binary code for computers?

Not 2 numbers - 2 digits. The digits 0 and 1.